Friday Favourites: Immune Supporting doTERRA OnGuard Essential Oil Blend

Happy Friday, Folks!

As much as I don’t want to think about it, back to school is quickly approaching. It causes me angst at the best of times, but I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that this year has the potential to bring it to a whole new level! 

Obviously, we’re all at least a little concerned about staying safe and healthy while we continue to navigate our families through COVID-19 and now, back to school during a pandemic. That is exactly why today’s Friday Favourite is one of my favourite products for immune support:

OnGuard Blend from doTERRA.

This stuff is the BOMB!

OnGuard is an essential oil blend made of several oils that can help support the immune system:

  • wild orange: high in d-limonene that helps to stimulate the immune system to fend off infections and bacteria,

  • clove bud: contains compounds that promote the production of white blood cells and its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties make it a great support particularly for cough and cold season,

  • cinnamon: contains polyphenols that help combat oxidative stress in the body. It’s also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal…got you covered from all angles!

  • eucalyptus: compounds with powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties that make it an immune support powerhouse. It also can help to stimulate the immune system,

  • rosemary: provides anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant benefits that can help with cough and colds. It also helps to mitigate free radical damage and to modulate the immune system. 

All that, and it smells great, too!

If you’re anything like me, you might be rolling your eyes right now, but OnGuard has worked wonders for us and I am a true believer in the benefits of this blend. It’s been a staple in our house, especially during times when we feel our immune systems could us a little extra support…

…like during back to school…and COVID-19…and both together!

We’ve used this blend to successfully several times to fend of a nasty stomach bug from spreading through our house of six people – ain’t nothin’ I’ve ever used that had been able to do that! We use it topically – the skin is our largest organ, so it’s a perfect way to get the benefits of essential oils. Rubbing on the soles of the feet ensure it gets absorbed quickly and effectively. We also diffuse it throughout the house and when someone is sick, we have a diffuser with OnGuard running constantly in their room. I also use it in all of my cleaning products (I make them all now), as well as in my DIY hand “sanitizer“. 

So many options!!

With the back to school season quickly approaching and two kids going off to university (ack!), you can bet the OnGuard is going to be at the top of their packing list. I really can’t say enough about how much we love and rely on this oil to help keep us healthy. I highly recommend you give it a try for a safe, chemical free protective support for you and your family. 

Shoot me a note if you want to learn more and find out where you can get the OnGuard protective blend, or if you’d like to try my Immune Bomb roller bottle or Hand Sanitizer spray. I think you’ll be oh-so-happy you did!