6 Things I Do Every Day to Tame Inflammation

Inflammation is a big buzzword in health circles and for good reason. Chronic inflammation has been linked to a myriad of health issues, from arthritis to heart disease. While acute inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection (an important mechanism we need to heal), chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on our bodies over time. Very simplistically, it causes damage and alterations to cells and is the driver of common diseases, including diabetes, cancer, asthma, autoimmune and other chronic inflammatory diseases. 

A Concern for All of Us

I have rheumatoid arthritis – an autoimmune disease that generates inflammation that leads to permanent damage to different parts of the body. So it’s no big surprise that inflammation is something that’s become a huge focus for me since I was diagnosed almost 13 years ago. Learning to control and minimize inflammation in my body has been the key factor in how I’ve been able to naturally manage my disease activity. 

Chronic inflammation is an issue for everyone – not just those of us who have been formally diagnosed with something. Those conditions don’t develop overnight. It takes time for the damage caused by chronic inflammation to progress enough for disease to develop. Because we’re all biologically different, the point at which the damage develops into a more serious health condition will be different for us all. It’s next to impossible to know exactly when things will take a turn.

We may not be able to predict exactly when or how the damage caused by chronic inflammation will generate more serious health concerns, but I have good news: we actually have a huge amount of control over inflammation levels in our body.

Prevention is the Key 

Prevention is the key to longevity. That’s why adopting daily habits to tame inflammation is crucial for maintaining overall health. It’s a concept I’ve been practicing for over 10 years and my blood work shows I’ve become pretty good at it!

Here are six things I do every day to keep the inflammation in my body in check:

  1. Load Up on Veggies: One of the simplest yet most effective ways to combat inflammation is by filling your plate with colorful, nutrient-rich vegetables – the more colors, the better! Vegetables like beets, kale, broccoli, carrots and bell peppers are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help quell inflammation at the cellular level. I make sure to include a variety of veggies in my meals every day to ensure I’m getting a diverse array of nutrients.

  2. Take Targeted Supplements: In addition to a healthy diet, I incorporate several targeted supplements known for their anti-inflammatory properties into my daily routine. Fish oil, turmeric, vitamin D, and magnesium are among my favorites. These supplements help reduce inflammation and support overall immune function, giving my body an extra boost in its fight against inflammation and damage.

  3. Limit Sugar, Processed Foods, and Alcohol: By no means do I have a perfect diet, but I do pay close attention to this one. Sugar, processed foods, and alcohol are notorious culprits when it comes to triggering inflammation in the body. That’s why I make a conscious effort to limit my intake of these inflammatory offenders. Instead, I opt for whole, unprocessed foods and choose healthier alternatives to satisfy my sweet tooth (I have loads of ideas for this, if you need any help!). By reducing my consumption of these inflammatory triggers, I’m able to better control inflammation and support my overall health.

  4. Maintain a Strong Sleep Schedule: Quality sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and keeping inflammation in check. It’s why I prioritize sleep hygiene and aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. Establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing my sleep environment are all key aspects of my strategy for combating inflammation. This is probably one of the biggest changes I’ve made to my life, and although my husband will sometimes roll his eyes (in a nice way!) at a few of the things I do, he’ll be the first to admit how effectively they’ve improved my health. 

  5. Get Moving: Exercise is another powerful tool in the fight against inflammation. I make it a point to incorporate physical activity into my daily routine, whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a swim – it doesn’t have to be a killer workout to be effective! Exercise not only helps reduce inflammation but also improves circulation, boosts mood, and enhances overall well-being. I aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day to reap the anti-inflammatory benefits. A good place to start is to just get outside for a 20 minute walk everyday. 

  6. Stay Hydrated: Hydration plays a key role in maintaining optimal bodily functions, including the regulation of inflammation. It’s the #1 recommendation I make to every one of my clients – increase your water intake! Staying hydrated helps flush toxins from the body, supports joint health, and promotes overall cellular function. I aim to drink at least half my weight in oz of water a day. To make it a little less boring, I’ll sometimes infuse my water with lemon or cucumber for added flavor and antioxidant benefits.

Take Control of What You Can

There are so many things in life we can’t control, but managing inflammation really isn’t one of those things. Sure, it does require some effort, but trust me when I say that the effort is minimal when compared to the pay off. A multifaceted approach that encompasses diet, lifestyle, and supplementation is what I follow and what I teach my clients. By incorporating these six daily habits into my routine, I’ve been able to keep inflammation at bay and manage my autoimmune condition 100% naturally.  Whether it’s loading up on veggies, taking targeted supplements, or prioritizing sleep and exercise, each of these habits plays a crucial role in taming inflammation and promoting a healthier, happier life.

If you’re tired of struggling with chronic inflammation and want to get it under control, click below to book a free 30 minute chat and we can discuss how I can help! 

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