Have you jumped into the world of essential oils yet? If not, I’m here to try and convince you… I’m in love with essential oils!

My fascination with essential oils began with my love for natural, organic scents. Whenever I visit Florida, the fresh floral aroma that greets me as soon as I step out of the airport instantly relaxes me. This calming effect is more than just pleasant—it’s actually scientific! The molecules responsible for these scents interact with our olfactory system (our sense of smell), triggering our limbic (emotional) system and promoting relaxation. It’s like a spa experience in nature!

Managing Anxiety and Promoting Relaxation…and more!

Living in a household where anxiety was a common thread when my kiddos were young, I was intrigued by essential oils’ potential to promote relaxation. This interest was further fueled during my holistic education, where I realized their benefits could extend not only to my family but also to my clients.

Essential oils can be used to support symptoms of several common ailments? Things that most of us suffer from on a regular basis. I find that so exciting! I’m super thankful for the miracles of modern medicine, but if I can find a chemical-free option to relieve a headache, or to help me sleep more soundly, I’m going to grab that first. 


Integrating Essential Oils into Daily Life

Essential oils have become a part of the daily routine in our house. We diffuse them in pretty much every room in the house, use them topically and also internally (this should only be done with food grade, quality products). Each member of my family has experienced the benefits of essential oils in one way or another and are amazed at how well they work. Headachessleeping troublesPMSdigestionimmune support, and anxiety are the major issues for which we’ve had great success with essential oils and the list continues to grow as we learn more about them. 

I recommend to all of my clients to start incorporating essential oils into their everyday lives, even something as simple as finding a scent that helps them relax. Feeling calm after smelling an essential oil might seem like a simple thing, but learning to relax is a struggle for so many people, myself included. It generates huge benefits to your body. There are hundreds of ways essential oils can enhance your health and wellness. They’ll support your body while it works to heal itself, as it was designed to do. 

Choosing doTERRA: Pure and Effective

When it comes to essential oils, quality counts. Many of the essential oils sold in stores contain synthetic ingredients and those additives are often the reason for reactions in people and pets…not the essential oil itself. There are several companies that sell good quality essential oils, but my research led me to doTERRA. Their oils are 100% pure, no chemicals, no additives, no synthetic fillers. companies with good quality products, but I chose doTERRA because of their reputation, sustainable sourcing practices and strict testing, in addition to their top quality products. 

Click here to have a look at the products doTERRA offers. And if you’d like to learn more about how essential oils can benefit you and your family, click the link below to book a call with me…it’s a topic I’m super passionate about and I’d love to pass on all I’ve learned!

Let’s Connect!

Interested in learning more about essential oils and how they can benefit you and your family? Let’s connect! I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with essential oils—it’s a topic close to my heart.